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Eltrombopag Olamine 50mg
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COMPOSITION: Each tablets contains Eltrombopag Olamine 25mg
INDICATION: Eltrombo 50 mg (Eltrombopag Olamine) is a prescribed medication specifically designed to address low platelet count levels resulting from chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) or chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. These conditions pose a risk of bleeding, and Eltrombo 50 mg aids in managing them effectively. It is also utilized in the treatment of severe aplastic anemia by stimulating bone marrow cell production and increasing platelet levels, thus minimizing bleeding risks.
This medication is administered to patients diagnosed with chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) to mitigate or prevent bleeding. Acting as a thrombopoietin agonist, it promotes the production of new platelets in the bloodstream. Eltrombo 50 mg (Eltrombopag Olamine) is suitable for individuals aged one and above, including children and adults. Typically, it is employed when other treatment options, such as conventional medications and spleen removal surgery, have proven ineffective. Furthermore, this tablet may be used to elevate platelet counts in patients with hepatitis C and aplastic anemia.
PACKING: 28 Tablets / Bottle