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Leucovorin Calcium Injection IP
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Categories: Oncology, Oncology - Injectables
COMPOSITION: Each ml contains: Calcium Folinate, Eq. to Folinic Acid 10 mg Water for Injections q. Methylparaben 0.08% w/v, Propylparaben 0.02% w/v
- LEUCOKAST is indicated after high dose methotrexate therapy in osteosarcoma.
- LEUCOKAST is also indicated to diminish the toxicity and counteract the efiects of impaired methotrexate elimination and of inadvexent overdosages of folic acid antagonists.
- LEUCOKAST is indicated in the treatment of megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency when oral therapy is not feasible.
- LEUCOKAST is also indicated for use in combination with 5-fluorouraciI to prolong survival in the palliative treatment of patients with advanced colorectal cancer.
PACKING: 1 Vial Injection
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